Gate in halfway open position.
Center post is made from a scrapped PVC fence post
which I found while 'junking'.
Center post is made from a scrapped PVC fence post
which I found while 'junking'.
Backside of gate showing construction details.
We used gray PVC (normally used for electrical work)
The PVC lattice is screwed to the PVC pipe using
short self-tapping sheet metal screws.
The tire iron is at the bottom center and keeps
the center gate post stationary on it's support block.
Diagonal cables, attached with eye bolts and
turnbuckles keep both halves of gate from
Tire iron is mounted into section of pipe which
is bolted to gate post. It easily slides up and
latches into a large screw eye, seen just above
tire iron.
Support block, seen at bottom of gate post
was made by casting concrete in a wooden box.
A piece of aluminum channel was cast into the
concrete to keep the tire iron in place when in
the down position.
A section was cut out and pieces of PVC
from the post were used to form a small
enclosure for the latch. PVC glue and small
screws and bolts were used to construct
the enclosure.
A length of square tubular aluminum is used as
a brace to keep the center post stable on windy
days. The brace is hinged to the fence on the left
and passes through a short piece of PVC pipe on
the right. The brace attaches to the post with an
arrangement of 3 aligned screw eyes and a short
bolt that drops down into the aligned screw eyes.
The short piece of PVC pipe allows the brace to
slide open along with that half of the gate. This
allows the gate to be opened without having
to hold the brace.
Aluminum extrusion which is normally
used for screen enclosures is used here
to re-enforce the hinge sides of the gate.
The two halves of the extrusion are bolted
around the PVC pipe and then the hinges
are bolted through the aluminum.
Notice the white T-fitting. This is a normal
PVC fitting. They don't make a gray PVC
fitting like this so a normal PVC fitting had
to be used here.
We used gray PVC (normally used for electrical work)
The PVC lattice is screwed to the PVC pipe using
short self-tapping sheet metal screws.
The tire iron is at the bottom center and keeps
the center gate post stationary on it's support block.
Diagonal cables, attached with eye bolts and
turnbuckles keep both halves of gate from
Tire iron is mounted into section of pipe which
is bolted to gate post. It easily slides up and
latches into a large screw eye, seen just above
tire iron.
Support block, seen at bottom of gate post
was made by casting concrete in a wooden box.
A piece of aluminum channel was cast into the
concrete to keep the tire iron in place when in
the down position.
A section was cut out and pieces of PVC
from the post were used to form a small
enclosure for the latch. PVC glue and small
screws and bolts were used to construct
the enclosure.
A length of square tubular aluminum is used as
a brace to keep the center post stable on windy
days. The brace is hinged to the fence on the left
and passes through a short piece of PVC pipe on
the right. The brace attaches to the post with an
arrangement of 3 aligned screw eyes and a short
bolt that drops down into the aligned screw eyes.
The short piece of PVC pipe allows the brace to
slide open along with that half of the gate. This
allows the gate to be opened without having
to hold the brace.
Aluminum extrusion which is normally
used for screen enclosures is used here
to re-enforce the hinge sides of the gate.
The two halves of the extrusion are bolted
around the PVC pipe and then the hinges
are bolted through the aluminum.
Notice the white T-fitting. This is a normal
PVC fitting. They don't make a gray PVC
fitting like this so a normal PVC fitting had
to be used here.
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